

Staff Augmentation

Permanent Hiring

Empower Your Workforce With Iyrin's
Staff Augmentation Services

Iyrin provides a team of experienced IT specialists that have a proven track-record of working extensively on software development, testing, and augmentation projects. We render such extensive expertise with flexible support hours to deliver industry-leading solutions that will help you achieve your goals faster.

Iyrin has been a lifesaver for many organizations struggling with finances, operational difficulties, and many other technical issues. The best part about Iyrin’s Staff Augmentation services is that we offer full-strength support when you need it the most, and flexibly ramp it down when you don’t.

Staff Augmentation Services On Offer

Get A Feel Of Our Augmented Staffing Services

Upscale your performance levels like never before.

Iyrin CTH Services
Hire Exactly What You Need

Filling a full-time position after an on-the-job performance evaluation can let you expand your talent pool without compromising on functionality. Our Contract-to-hire (CTH) services are intermediate staffing solutions where our team members work on your crucial projects and then based on their performance, you get to hire them for a permanent post in your organization.

Under our CTH services, we give you an option of hiring a candidate for an initial period of 3-6 months. You also get to assess and evaluate his or her professional skills, interpersonal skills, etc., before actually making a hiring commitment.

Why Iyrin's CTH service is What Your Company Needs Today?

Risk Mitigation

The risk at the employer’s end is zero. You get to avail services of a skilled professional for a definite period, and if they’re good enough, you get to hire them for a bigger role.

Excellent Return On Investment

Being able to find a reliable employee by just investing in a small contractual arrangement is a steal. No need for expensive recruitment drives anymore.

Enhanced Flexibility

Hiring process was never so flexible. Hire after full evaluation and satisfaction at no extra costs.

Iyrin's Permanent Hiring Services
We Recruit Only The Best

Any organization is as good as its workforce. To help you build a team of professionals best suited for your requirements, Iyrin provides advanced permanent hiring services. An onboarding process that begins with the detailed consultation on identifying your exact requirements, will eventually aid in the completion of a fruitful recruitment campaign for your company. 

Under our permanent hiring services, we offer 360-degree support to organisations for hiring professionals that have the desired skill set and experience for the role. At present we are placing more than hundred competent professionals everyday in reputed organisations.

What Do We Offer

Our expert recruiters provide comprehensive guidance about defining job roles, work profiles, and fixing salaries for each position respectively.

We take you through a detailed initial assessment where you get access to screening checks and interview forms.

Constant support for setting up interviews with the right applicants and post placement reviews as well.