Welcome To Iyrin

Empathy driven culture

We, at Iyrin believe that any software development, if not done with keeping the feelings of end user in mind, more often than not, will fail the purpose.

Our core value lies on the premise that a successful product is not just about seeing, listening and doing from the perspective of end user, but also from the perspective of feeling what the end user needs.

Our teams take pride in dealing with fine art of not just IT and ITES, but with support services like recruitments as well.

We own the work of our client as culture of ownership is in our DNA.

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Recruitments Services
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Real-time Data Analysis
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    Why empathy drives us?

    We all would agree that empathy is a good thing. It is the basis about the care we show for humans, nature and anything surrounding us. As the world of IT moves towards AI/ML driven models, the need for empathy to be at the centre of our IT development has never been more. We focus on four critical areas as per the different studies done on the subject.

    the first element of empathy to appear during ontogeny (In our case, all the developmental events that occur during the existence of a software and humans involved in it). It reflects the capacity to become effectively aroused by the valence and intensity of others’ emotions.

    This entails the conscious awareness of the emotional state of another person.

    Which refers to the motivation to care for someone’s welfare.

    Similar to the construct of perspective taking or theory of mind is the ability to put oneself into the mind of another individual and imagine what that person is thinking or feeling references from (Decety and Jackson, 2004; Goubert et al., 2009; Singer and Lamm, 2009; Derntl et al., 2010; Decety, 2011; Decety and Cowell, 2014)
    There are several reasons why empathy can be valuable in IT development, however, an empathetic attitude allows the development team to gather invaluable information about the user and contributes to building the reliable, trustworthy software.

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